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Paw Patrol Pups Save Christmas A Holiday Adventure


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The Christmas is generally associated with happiness, affection joint and unity among families. But what happens when the sleigh has disappeared, the reindeer is nowhere to be seen and the gifts intended for children all over the world are left buried in snow? But that is not all, the Paw Patrol pups are here to help on this project! This entry in the franchise brings just the right amount of Christmas cheer to life and with the brave pups of Adventure Bay determined for Christmas to go as planned for everyone.

A Cold Start For Christmas Eve

The show opens with the Paw Patrol and their human buddy Ryder in Adventure Bay getting ready for the festive period-Christmas. The tree is erect, stockings are hanged, the snow covers the town; the perfect scene for Christmas . As soon as the pups relax for what could be a warm pleasant evening, Ryder gets a call from none other than Santa Clause!

Santa continues that the sleigh skidded one day during the flight over Adventure Bay, which led to injury. The reindeer panicked at this and spread themselves in all directions, thereby putting Santa and the presents in the middle of nowhere, covered with snow and no means to complete his mission. This means that the time is fast running out and if he does not get his sleigh and reindeer back Christmas may be ruined for children across the globe.

It has Ryder gather up the pups and with positive assertion, “No job is too big, no pup is too small!” the team gears up for their most important mission yet: saving Christmas.

The Rescue Mission Begins

Little does the Paw Patrol that as they set out, Ryder has positioned himself to assign each pup its role so that the mission is accomplished. As we all know, Chase is a police pup and he traced the footprints of reindeer in the snow. Skye the aviator goes up in the helicopter to look for the sleigh you see in the movie starring Santa Claus. is in the construction setting with a small yellow digger that he is ready to demolish any hindrance for Rubble the construction pup. is ready to fix all the vouchers of the sleigh. The chihuahua-cross Marshall and water rescue Zuma are always ready to help in the event needed.

Chase Tracks the Reindeer

As soon as Chase and Ryder make an attempt to begin looking for the missing reindeer. Chasing with his fabulous sense of smell and impressive set of tracking devices, Chase follows the smell of one of the main reindeers, Dasher. They discover the first one with Dasher all wrapped up in Christmas lights on Farmer Yumi’s farm. With some help from Chase and Ryder, Dasher tries to get out of the trap eagerly for Santa.

Skye Locates the Sleigh

However, during the show, Skye flies above Adventure Bay searching for Santa’s sleigh all through the snowy area. She most note that a red and gold material lies near the base of Jake’s Mountain. Skye calls the team and quickly goes to check it out. She realizes that the sleigh is stuck between two big stone and they have to get out of the sled because all the sled is wrecked.

If Rubble and Rocky can rescue children from a cave, why can’t they save a woman from a hole?

Rubble and Rocky on reaching at the scene have to first estimate the damage done to this sleigh. Rubble drives his digger and takes the sleigh out of the rocks as gently as he can, at the same time, Rocky looks for things to fix the runners and the harness for Rudolph. Both are effective fast in order to repair the sleigh and put it into proper condition.

I have blogged about Marshall and Zuma Round Up the Reindeer before at my own book blog , but darn it, it deserves another shout out.

Marshall and Zuma go in search for the other reindeer. After that Marshall with his fire truck and Zuma with his hovercraft help to look for the lost reindeer all over the territory. But one by one, they all discover them: Prancer being bogged down in a snow drift, Vixen at the seashore and even Comet in a grotto. The pups help the reindeer to get back to Sleigh where they join Santa just at the right time.

Saving Christmas

The sleigh has been repaired and the reindeer are now ready to get back to business so Santa’s Christmas mission is now a go.  But there’s one last problem: The presents are still lying around in Adventure Bay. Here the Paw Patrol is ready for the action again, and goes through the accident-looking town to pick up all the lost gifts. Skye finds gifts hanging over trees and branches, Rubble digs in the snow and finds gift hidden under it, Chase finds gifts on roof tops. The pups are very busy all the time, making sure that every gifted present is recorded.

At the end of the gift list, Santa Claus bows and thanks the Paw Patrol for their help, and begins to load the final gift. “You have given all of us Christmas,” is his humorous remark. Two days later she was saying, ‘I couldn’t have done it without you.’

A Festive Celebration Paw Patrol Pups Save Christmas

Now that Santa is back up in the sky bringing the happiness of the season to children all around the globe, the Paw Patrol is back in Adventure Bay to celebrate. The people of the town come together to express their gratitude to the pups for the job well done. Mayor Goodway gives them a Christmas medal with all the citizens, and they all sing carols beside the Christmas tree.

This movie is about teamwork, kindness and willingness to help others In the background, when Ryder and the pups are sledging in the nicely illustrated environment of falling snow, the highlights of the movie are presented. It’s the Christmas they will never forget.

Frequently Asked Questions or more commonly known as FAQ is a list of questions that are found to be most often asked.

1. I would like to know if this movie is inspired strictly by one of the Paw Patrol episodes.

This cute story is appropriately in the vein of Paw Patrol’s Christmas shows, but offers innovative perspective on how the puppies can stop Christmas from being ruined.

2. Who are the main characters who featured in this animation of puppies?

Every pup has a purpose depending on talent, skill and expertise that is required to work on the team. Chase pursues after the reindeer, Skye finds the sleigh, Rubble and Rocky fix things, Marshall and Zuma corral the reindeer.

3. What can this story be learnt from?

It also affirms secrets of some of the broadly underestimated principles such as teamwork, problem solving as well as promoting of kind acts all of which are essential during the holiday season.

4. Is there something that kids can also watch, which is also a Paw Patrol Christmas special?

Yes! Watch Paw Patrol holiday specials on your preferred streaming site or in the television networks at specific times.

5. What do the pups do after usually after accomplishing their mission?

When Christmas is saved the pup have to celebrate it back in Adventure Bay with singing of carols, winning of medals and too much merriment.

6. Paw Patrol is such a loved show for children and this is why

Since Paw Patrol, is actually fun and entertaining as well as great in teaching the children about teamwork, responsibility and contributing to the community, children and parents have taken a liking to the show.

Paw patrol pups explained how nothing is impossible if you all combine your efforts towards achieving the same goal. May their story remind and encourage you this Christmas to share and spread as much joy as you can. Happy Holidays from Adventure bay Thank you for watching our series Adventure bay closes for the holiday season.



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